ISO 9001 : 2015 for Quality Management Systems
BeRex Co., Ltd. (The "BeRex") guarantee that all products which is manufactured by BeRex were processed and delivered to customers under strict quality management system by ISO(International Standard Organization) and all employees will try to do our best to serve with high quality
ISO 14001 : 2015 for Environmental Management Systems
BeRex Co., Ltd. (The “BeRex”) guarantee that all products which were manufactured were managed, processed and kept to applicable laws, regulations and other environmental requirements with accordance with ISO 14001(Environmental Management system)
Declaration of Conformity to RoHS restrictive substances
BeRex Co., Ltd. (The “BeRex”) hereby declares that the products & package type listed above have been designed and manufactured in compliance with the requirements of RoHS2 Directive 2011/65/EU as amended by Decision 768/2008 and 2015/863/EU, Module A of annexⅡ to decision No 768/2008/EC(EN 50581) in support of RoHS2.
Declaration of Conformity to REACH Substances of Very High Concern(SVHCs)
BeRex Co., Ltd. (The “BeRex”) hereby declares a concentration of substances on the SVHC candidate list which are contained in a quantity of more than 0.1%(w/w) in each components of a product and/or its packaging placed on the European Community market by the BeRex and its subsidiaries.